Cartoon History of Art is Finished.

I finally finished my 100 page assignment for my Arts and Humanities class at college.

The result is a 100 page long collection of anachronisms and montages hopefully dubbed The Cartoon History of Art by me in delusions of grandeur. I named it partially after Larry Gonick’s Cartoon History of the Universe books which were both insightful and delightful and contributed to my world history knowledge somewhat. I’m not sure who’d be informed by the CHoA but they’re probably in grade school. The art isn’t my best work, the line work in particular, I tried to relate it to Gonick’s earlier Cartoon History of the USA which notably had pretty atrocious art, but I might have lowballed him on a few pages.

It’s not great but it can be read  here from the download source. I’m sure there are a few laughs to be had from the terrible jokes peppered throughout the length of the book. Who knows, maybe someone will learn something.

About Robocorn

An aspiring artist and animator who kicks ten kinds of ass. View all posts by Robocorn

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